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Historic Background

One of a kind example of beauty

The Palazzo del Principe Lanza built at the end of the 18th century; it represented the summer residence of the lords of Scalea, the Spinelli family who, in addition to being famous militarily, is also known for the literary works of Prince Francesco Maria Spinelli.

In 1832, Eleonora Spinelli married Pietro Lanza di Trabia, elected magistrate of Palermo in 1835, minister of education, foreign minister of the Kingdom of Sicily from 1848 to 1849 and last prime minister in 1849.

hub of art and culture

Keeper of an eternal memory

His memory remained imperishable in the minds of cultural circles who remember him as a great scholar passionate about culture, with a "splendid intellectual life". Giuseppe and Francesco Girolamo were born from the marriage between Pietro Lanza and Eleonora Spinelli. The first, tenth Prince of Trabia, died prematurely in 1868; the second, first Prince of Scalea for the Lanza family, was a proud supporter of the fight against the Bourbons, going into exile together with his father in the city of Paris. Francesco returned to Sicily only in 1860 following the expedition of the Thousand. Having landed in Trappeto with the Medici column, he was a red shirt among Giuseppe Garibaldi's men, actively participating in the Battle of Milazzo and the Battle of Volturno. After the unification of Italy, awarded the silver medal for military valor, he was Italian ambassador to London in 1862 and, in the same year, he was elected deputy of the Italian Parliament, a position he held until 1870. He died in 1919 in Palermo.

existing constraints

The area affected by the restriction represents the only part of the territory that has remained intact, not attacked by the wild building speculation that has made the territory of San Nicola Arcella a typical intensive residential destination. For this reason, in 1989 the area was subjected to a no-build restriction with a buffer zone.

Landscape protection restriction – L. 1497/1939 – Ministerial Decree dated 20.12.1969

conservative obligations – art. 30 of Legislative Decree 42/2004 and subsequent amendments.

protection of things of artistic or historical interest – L. 1 June 1939, N.1089

Palazzo Principi Lanza
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